Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tips for Computer Security

Have you ever wondered why there is a huge increase in online fraud? Well the main reason its happening, is that most computer users are not protecting themselves properly. When you follow the top 10 tips for online and offline protection, you will discover were your computer system weaknesses are.

1. It is a proven fact that 75% of American PC users do not use an up to date anti-virus program, this is a program that scans the PC searching for any malicious software, when it discovers them they can either quarantine them or delete them. Some AV programs even scan sites you visit and detect any phishing sites.

2. Phishing sites are websites that have been created to look similar to a bank or payment processor such as PayPal. We have all received the emails from our bank stating our account is empty and to log in immediately, the hyperlink in the email you click on looks real, however the site you are taken to is fraudulent, they are after stealing your money! Always make sure your banks website has a padlock image on the toolbar, this shows that it is a secure site for logging in. If you have any doubts contact your bank immediately.

3. We all need a firewall to hide behind. This is a piece of software that prevents anyone hacking into our computers, either at home or at work. Once the software is set up it runs in the background. It basically blocks the ports on our computers that hackers use to gain access through the back door. Like the AV, there are plenty of free firewalls.

4. Is your computer operating system up to date? When did you last update it? Most people will answer, never. The main reason software manufacturers such as Microsoft provide updates, is to plug any security vulnerabilities in the software, this is why when they issue an update, its wise to update your system.

5. Check any public computers you use, as there are products out there called key loggers, this is an electronic device that logs all keystrokes and can be downloaded. So if you use the library for your online bank or eBay, make sure the keyboard lead connects directly into the computer, if it connects to an extra piece of cable, it could be a key logger. The person who put it there only has to download the information and they have all your details and access to your money! Always log out and do not save any passwords on a public computer

6. Check public WiFi connections are public! Make sure it is not just another computer acting as a gateway, so you pass your details to them such a credit card and address, then they grant you access to the internet. While you are sending emails, they are using your credit card details to purchase products online!

7. Do not share games, as this is how some viruses were transferred from computer to computer. Always run your anti virus software to scan the disc first.

8. Do not let anyone one use a flash drive on your computer, as soon as someone plugs a flash drive into a computer a virus could be transferring to your computer, this may or may not be done on purpose, but the problem is still there, it will take information from your computer and can even email it from your computer, at a later date

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