Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tips for Computer Security

Have you ever wondered why there is a huge increase in online fraud? Well the main reason its happening, is that most computer users are not protecting themselves properly. When you follow the top 10 tips for online and offline protection, you will discover were your computer system weaknesses are.

1. It is a proven fact that 75% of American PC users do not use an up to date anti-virus program, this is a program that scans the PC searching for any malicious software, when it discovers them they can either quarantine them or delete them. Some AV programs even scan sites you visit and detect any phishing sites.

2. Phishing sites are websites that have been created to look similar to a bank or payment processor such as PayPal. We have all received the emails from our bank stating our account is empty and to log in immediately, the hyperlink in the email you click on looks real, however the site you are taken to is fraudulent, they are after stealing your money! Always make sure your banks website has a padlock image on the toolbar, this shows that it is a secure site for logging in. If you have any doubts contact your bank immediately.

3. We all need a firewall to hide behind. This is a piece of software that prevents anyone hacking into our computers, either at home or at work. Once the software is set up it runs in the background. It basically blocks the ports on our computers that hackers use to gain access through the back door. Like the AV, there are plenty of free firewalls.

4. Is your computer operating system up to date? When did you last update it? Most people will answer, never. The main reason software manufacturers such as Microsoft provide updates, is to plug any security vulnerabilities in the software, this is why when they issue an update, its wise to update your system.

5. Check any public computers you use, as there are products out there called key loggers, this is an electronic device that logs all keystrokes and can be downloaded. So if you use the library for your online bank or eBay, make sure the keyboard lead connects directly into the computer, if it connects to an extra piece of cable, it could be a key logger. The person who put it there only has to download the information and they have all your details and access to your money! Always log out and do not save any passwords on a public computer

6. Check public WiFi connections are public! Make sure it is not just another computer acting as a gateway, so you pass your details to them such a credit card and address, then they grant you access to the internet. While you are sending emails, they are using your credit card details to purchase products online!

7. Do not share games, as this is how some viruses were transferred from computer to computer. Always run your anti virus software to scan the disc first.

8. Do not let anyone one use a flash drive on your computer, as soon as someone plugs a flash drive into a computer a virus could be transferring to your computer, this may or may not be done on purpose, but the problem is still there, it will take information from your computer and can even email it from your computer, at a later date

Tips To Help You Repair Slow Computer Speed

Sometimes, people tell me their computer is operating really, really slow! However, after further conversation with them, I find what they mean is the computer operates really, really slow, sometimes.When this happens, usually there is a program automatically being run periodically. When this program is being run, it is using most of the computer's resources. So naturally, the computer is going to operate very slowly. Usually such a program is a virus scanner. What makes a virus scanner so commonly the culprit is the fact Windows XP Pro, for example, makes you install a virus scanner that runs automatically every day.
To find out if this is your problem, when your computer slows down press Ctrl-alt-delete. This will open the Windows Task Manager. Click the processes tab and you can see if there is a program eating up all your CPU resources and if so, you can close that program. If you find it is a virus scan program that is slowing down your computer, either pause the program until you finish what you're doing, or make sure the program is scheduled to be run when you're not using the computer.
The Heat Factor:Sometimes a computer can slow down because it is heating up too much. Of course, a computer that is overheating can get into much more trouble than just giving you slow performance. Therefore, is very important to keep your computer from overheating.
Every once in a while you should take the cover off your computer and blow the dust out of it with compressed air. Also, make sure your computer is closed tightly when running. If you have removed any cards from slots, make sure you have returned the hole-covers to their original places or you should cover those slots with duct tape. The cooling system of a computer is designed to work by using a particular airflow scheme. So, leaving the cover off the computer will actually make it run hotter than having the cover on it.
Background Operations:Check your Windows taskbar, which is on the lower right hand corner of your computer screen. This taskbar consist of programs you have running in the background. If you have too many of them, they will steal your computer's resources. Right click each of them and choose the option to suspend their operations. This is no big deal because these programs can be opened from your start menu. The taskbar just makes them automatically starting programs and, if you're low on computer resources, you don't want things running automatically.
Viruses and Spyware:The biggest resource stealer of them all is spyware and viruses. Make sure you have a good spyware/virus program and run it often. Also, make sure this program is updated frequently. There's not too much more that needs to be said about what one virus or spyware infection could do to your operating system.
Registry Clean. One of the most overlooked reasons a computer will slow down is because the registry has become corrupt. The registry is essentially your computer's operating system. Anytime you're running your computer, entries are being made and deleted from your registry. The effect this has is it leaves false entries in your registry. So, your computer's resources must work around these false entries.

Protect Your Home Computer

I remember the day when computers were first in my classroom. I laugh sometimes just remembering the green front Apple and Orange font IBM computers. When using them little did I know one day there would be graphic rich multimedia with unlimited connectivity to the world and information. I also remember my friend as a child who had a computer science father. As a birthday gift he gave his son two little boxes with 8 numerical buttons and one little red LCD display on each box. These little boxes were a way for me and my friend to send codes back and forth from each other from our phone lines when at home. We created our own code talk to decipher messages. We felt like spies and had a great time messaging nonsense for hours.
Little did I know as a child that these seemingly simple things would grow into the powerful and world dominating PC and Internet. Even less did I know the impact it would have on all the lives of the world and how easy and fun it would become. As a naive child, I would never imagine the evil that would lurk to destroy such great technological advances. With the birth of the Internet came the birth of viruses, spyware, and spam. The Internet world could now virally be infected with computer destroying codes almost instantly worldwide along with pop-up ads all over your computer screen and your inbox bombarded with propositions of the unthinkable and bizarre.Once introduced, the world forever would be on their toes watching their backs for this malicious onslaught of computer created menaces and dangers . The industry created to thwart the destructive codings has boomed and never looked back and it is doubtful that it will ever be out of demand as more lives rely on the Internet and the computers used to access it. Hundreds of different anti-virus, ant-spam, and anti-spyware software exists today and some can come at a bargain while others can cost you an arm and leg. Some are excellent while others are mediocre, but for today we will discuss good and honest protection that is free.
Spam as we all know can ruin a good visit to the inbox. For protection against spam you must be responsible with your email address and be careful who gets it. Applying for bogus free offers and money making schemes can open up your whole account to the dreaded inbox disease. If you are needing spam protection you can open up a free email account with Yahoo Mail or HotMail and receive free spam protection with the service without any additional software or setup. Yahoo offers a yearly paid account with additional spam protection if the free version is not enough for you. Yahoo charges about $40.00 a year, which I myself subscribe to.
With spyware you can expect unexpected pop-ups, search intrusions, as well as the possibility of identity theft. This makes spyware no laughing matter and lucky for you you don't have to pay to be protected. Lavasoft and AVG are just two companies that offer outstanding free anti-spyware software for your computer. Even Yahoo has gotten into the act and have given their toolbar users free spyware software that can be launched from their toolbar. I recommend running it once a day. Viruses can literally destroy your operating system and even your whole computer which makes this last threat one of the most dangerous when it comes to your PC. You would expect to pay hundreds of dollars perhaps to protect your computer or maybe an annual subscription which is common too. Why even pay when you can get it for free? There are two great anti-virus programs out there that you can use free for your home computer without any catch other than maybe a registration. I highly recommend these two products and use them for my own computers completely free.
Anti-virus #1: AVG has an anti-virus download that takes care of all the virus updates daily and scans your computer everyday at a specified time which is convenient for those who forget to protect their PCs.
Anti-Virus #2: Avast is an excellent program for keeping both spyware and viruses off of your computer and in the gutter where they belong. They have a more complex registration which requires email authentication and online registration, but only takes about 10 minutes of your time, a lot less time than the hours you have to work to buy a new computer or OS.

Every Day Computer Maintenance

PCs or personal computers have become a very integral part of lives. We cannot imagine our lives without the computer or the Internet in our homes. As we all very well know an average life of a computer in our homes is around two to three years. However, the life of a computer mostly depends on how we maintain them and how we use them.
One of the best ways to keep our computer healthy is to defrag the hard drive, especially the partition which accommodates the operating system. Defragmenting and Disk Scanning the hard drive is a very good practice and needs to be done on a regular basis. What this does is that it collects all the fragmented and files and arranges them close together. This lessens the load on the operating system when it accesses the files. However, this practice does not reduce the load from the hard disk. If you are an Internet user, there will be a lot of files which get stored in your computer when you access the Internet. You will not need these files once you close the websites unless you have stored the passwords in your cookies. The files which are stored on your computer are called as the temporary Internet files and the cookies. The temporary Internet files are also called as the cache. Therefore, you will need to make sure that you clear the cache the cookies regularly. 
Your computer could have a lot of startup programs, these programs will slow down the booting of your computer. Therefore, you will need to check and find out if there are any programs which unnecessarily run during the startups. If you are unaware about how to remove the startup programs, you could find some good information on the Internet to guide you with few simple steps to remove the startup programs.

Your computer will have a lot of programs or applications which are not used by you and also the ones which are absolutely not required. You could uninstall these programs from the control panel. The option to remove the unwanted programs from the computer in the control panel is Add / Remove Programs icon. It is from this place where you can easily remove the unwanted programs which are installed on your computer. You computer will surely operate faster after this.

There will be a lot of files left on your computer even after uninstalling the unnecessary programs. These files could have been normally the files which were created by those programs. Since the software does not exist, these files cannot be run and hence they become the orphan files. If you have an alternative program to run these files, you could use the open with option and assign them to be used by these programs in the future.

Tips For Improving the speed of Your Wireless Network

Many businesspeople may have cursed the day they changed to wireless, however, following a few simple tips can make the entire experience a lot smoother for you. Positioning, parts, options and upgrades can all help improve your wireless network. If your network performance monitoring says there is room for improvement, here is how to do it.The cheapest options, and those which will be investigated first by your information technology consultants, are those of positioning of the router. Your router, or wireless access point, should be in a central location. If it is against an outside wall of your building, simple physics tell you that the signal will be weaker on the other side of the structure. The closer the router or wireless access point is to the computers that will be using it, the better the signal will be.If you have the standard antenna with your wireless connection, you have an omni-directional one. If the only possible position for your access point is against the outside of your home, then half the signal will be sent outside. Replace the antenna with a hi-gain antenna that focuses the signal in one direction for better network performance management. If your PCs have card-based wireless network adapter, you could consider replacing these with USB network adapters with external antennas. Some, such as the Hawking Hi-Gain Wireless USB Network Adapter can provide significant range gains. 
This is not generally necessary on laptop computers, however.Wireless repeaters are another option - these are placed halfway between your access point and your computer, and give you an instant boost to your signal strength. If you are still having trouble, try changing the channel on your wireless device. Just like on the radio, in different positions some stations have interference or feedback, and others come through clearly. The same is true for your wireless channels. Experiment until you find the one that works best in yourbusiness.You may also have high levels of wireless intereference from other wireless devices in your office. Your information technology consultants will be able to recommend devices that use a different frequency to your wireless computer network, helping reduce noise.Something to think about when you are setting up your wireless network, is that your monitors will see better network performance if you choose equipment from the same vendors. If you choose D-Link equipment, stick with that throughout, etc.
Finally, as with all technology, there are levels within the technology differentiated by both price and performance. If you want to manage your wireless network performance better, choose 802.11g equipment, rather than the cheaper, older and less effective 802.11b equipment.

How To Satellite Internet Access Work?

Just as satellite dishes competed with cable decades ago for premium movie channel services, dishes are now back, offering satellite access to the internet to compete with cable and DSL. In a practical sense, satellite Internet access isn't so much of a competing technology as much as it is an alternative in areas where cable or DSL services are not available. Internet access via satellite is a somewhat pricey option at this time, though with downstream rates from 150-1,200 Kbps and upstream rates around 50-150 Kbps, available bandwidth is far greater than dialup connectivity.Satellite Internet access operates via geostationary (fixed-position) satellites that beam microwaves from about 22,300 miles above the Earth's equator to your dish antenna and transceiver (transmitter/receiver). Satellite Internet access is available in two forms: two-way and one-way.A typical two-way satellite Internet connection allows for upstream and downstream transmissions via satellite. Here is an example of a typical two-way satellite data transmission:

1. Your transceiver (connected to your computer) passes the digital signal to your dish antenna, which beams the information to the satellite (transponder).

2. The transponder forwards/beams the digital signal to a network operations center (NOC) back on the ground.

3. The NOC forwards the data request on to the Internet via land-based infrastructure.

4. Data returning from the Internet follows the same process (in reverse) back to your computer.In theory, this entire process takes only about half of a second, but in practice it takes longer, so this isn't the method of choice for online gamers. (The time delays inherent in satellite communication can be somewhat distracting to online gainers.) A two-way setup provides always-on Internet connectivity that makes access convenient.A one-way satellite transmission downstreams data from the transponder to your dish antenna but does not allow for transmitting data upstream in the same manner. One-way internet satellite access requires that you transmit upstream data through a dialup connection but only downstream data travels via satellite.

Future Of The Laptop Computer

The laptop is now ingrained upon society that is evident nearly everywhere we go; for instance I am writing this article on a laptop as I speed through the English countryside on a train. But what does the future of the laptop hold? What can be considered the key features of any futuristic mobile computing device. The development of a fuel cell powered laptop is at this time still a pipe dream. In the more immediate future is the switch from lithium ion batteries to lithium polymer varieties. Unlike ion batteries polymer variants do not use cells to hold the lithium but instead hold the lithium in a gel. While the power longevity benefits are unclear, advocates are keen to highlight its safety features over ion batteries.

Once again however polymer technology is not yet perfectly developed, it is slowly being introduced into mobile phones but as far as laptops go, the foreseeable future is ion cell shaped. Sticking with power, the latest innovation to cause a stir amongst those in the technological fold is wireless charging. 'Witricity' has been in development for a number of years and fundamentally it allows the charging of electrical devices without the need for wires or cables. It does mean that a laptop must be placed upon a pad that has a receptor coil built into it but for those who are constantly shipping around their chargers it could be the power source of the future. On a technical level this form of charging adheres to principles of electromagnetic induction. With the need for both a coil in a pad and in the laptop however, it will still be some time before manufacturers begin to incorporate this technology as standard.But what other innovations, aside from the power source are likely to become evident in the future.

Computer Operating Systems

The definition of an Operating System is the software that controls the operation of a computer, directs the input and output of data, keeps track of files, and controls the processing of computer programs (Britannica, 2008). Each new computer brought home from the store already has an operating system installed and ready to use, but it wasn't always this way.When Personal Home Computers (PCs) were first introduced in the early 1980s, they didn't have an operating system; most didn't even have a hard drive! These early PCs needed a floppy disk with stored drivers n order to get the operating system started. You then had to remove the operating system driver and insert a new floppy that contained the program you needed to work with. This second floppy would not only contain the individual program (word processor, spreadsheet, etc) but all the drivers needed to communicate with the PC as well. This time consuming and frustrating process of switching from floppy to floppy gave birth to the integrated operating system.

An operating system performs many functions; it keeps track of where things are stored on the hard drive, manages each components activity, and allows users to interact with the system by either typing commands on a keyboard or by using a Graphical User Interface (GUI, commonly pronounced gooey).The most important function of an operating system, however, is translating the commands issued via keyboard or mouse into binary code; the language of computers represented by zeros and ones. Because the operating system is now integrated directly onto a computer's hard drive, the floppy disk has gone the way of the horse whip and become obsolete. Programs, along with the drivers and other necessary components, are stored directly onto the computer and available whenever the program is accessed.Although there are many operating system's available today Windows Vista, Mac OS X, Zeta, IBM, Unix, and Linux to name a few; Apple was one of the first to use an operating system in their Macintosh computer. This established a user-hardware relationship with a user-friendly interface and helped pave the way for future operating systems.

How to Build Complete Websites

Today things are completely different. Now there is software like Dreamweaver that does all of the hard work and allows you to build web pages with as much simplicity as creating a Word document.Most people don't realize that so much can be learned in so few days of web design courses. But with advancements in web design technology, creating sharp and professional websites is simpler than ever before. If you can use Microsoft Word, you have all of the prerequisites you need for Dreamweaver training. The reason programs like Dreamweaver make building websites so simple is that they use all of the tools that you're already familiar with from using Microsoft Office products. While there are still a lot of complicated processes happening behind the scenes, Dreamweaver uses a simple editor that allows you to build your web pages visually and then transfer them to the web.

Why pay someone else an exorbitant amount to build your company's website when you can easily do it yourself after taking 3 days of Dreamweaver training? The going rate to hire someone to build a professional website isn't cheap. Now add in the cost of maintaining and updating your site. In today's internet age it is essential that your site be continuously updated in order to attract both search engines and visitors. Compare that to the cost of the few hundred pounds it costs to learn how to build and maintain your own site through Dreamweaver training and web design courses.Many business owners that thought they could never build a website are often amazed at what they can do after a few days of Dreamweaver training and web design courses. After a couple of web design courses you may find yourself completely rethinking your web strategy and uncovering a wealth of new possibilities for earning revenue and attracting new business online.

How to Computer Network Installation

Computer network installation has become an essential prerequisite for any efficient modern-day business as it allows employees to truly work as a team by sharing information, accessing the same database and staying in touch constantly. For a computer network to give the best results, a lot of detailed planning and foresight is required before installation. An organization needs to clearly define its requirements – how many people would use the network, how many would use it locally (within the office) and how many might require remote access (from a different location), how many computers and other devices (servers, printers, scanners) would be connected to the network, what are the needs of the various departments and who would be in charge of running/managing the network.

It also helps if one can anticipate the direction the company would take in the near future so potential growth can be factored in during computer network installation. The technology issues should also be ironed out in advance – hardware, software, servers, switches, back-up devices, cables and network operating systems. Make sure you have the required licenses to run the software on all your machines before installing a computer network. Alongside computer network installation should proceed the building of a dedicated technical support staff, either within your own organization or outside consultants? Delegate responsibility clearly for network management. Before installing the network, you also need to choose the security mechanism to protect corporate data and keep viruses at bay.The transition to a new or upgraded computer network can bring some teething problems. To minimize chances of confusion, the company might need to train its staff to make them familiar with the new system.

What is Computer Viruses

Computer virus is a software program designed to destroy or steal data. These viruses are most often sent through email attachments, software downloads, and some types of advanced web scripting. Different viruses cause different types of damage to your computer; Trojan horses destroy data, bombs explode through your system, and worms duplicate themselves, destroying or corrupting data as they go. These viruses can be combined into even more deadly forms but they can usually be identified by their location on your computer.Boot Sector Virus. Virus were boot sector because it required a removable device such as a floppy disk or CD to reach your machine. These viruses activate when you reboot your system and will infect any other floppies inserted after wards. They have the potential to take up memory or freeze your system.

File Virus: This is a virus that infects other files on your system. Otherwise known as the classic form of virus, it is also the most common and easiest to distribute. Some forms of file virus are able to hide themselves by changing aspects of their code with each infection. Multipart Virus:This file infects both the boot sector and files. These types of viruses were fairly common when most computers operated on a DOS system but declined when integrated operating systems became the norm. Who created the first virus and why remains a mystery; however, one virus programmer was willing to explain the motivation behind his destruction. According to this programmer, a popular online service (which will remain unnamed) failed to provide quality protection for children against what he considered to be online smut. To retaliate, he created and distributed a virus to as many file libraries of this service as he could find. His intention: to disable the computers of the people using this service, preventing them from connecting to the internet for days at a time, thus causing the service to lose revenue and customers.What can be done if you have a virus? To protect from getting or cleaning out an existing virus, an antivirus utility is needed.

Advantages of Hard Drive

The computer component that holds data is a hard drive and an external hard drive is a hard drive that is outside the computer case in its own enclosure (also called hard drive cage). Every computer needs at least one hard drive to store its operating system, programs and user interpretation. It is usually internal but additional external hard drives have become indispensable. An external hard drive has become indispensable because there are potential security threats to our computers like virus due to Internet access even after employing anti-virus programs and firewalls.Inadvertent corruption of sensitive documents and additional space required for multimedia storage are some of the problems and one single solution to all such problems is the external hard drive.

The external hard drive is enclosed in an enclosure outside the main computer and is slightly larger than the hard drive itself and sometimes has a cooling fan. The external hard drive is connected to the computer through a high-speed interface cable, which enables the external hard drive to communicate with the computer by means of interfaces like USB and Fire Wire.An external hard drive is a very constructive piece of equipment in the sense that it allows the user to back up or store important information detached from the main internal hard drive, which could be affected by on-line or off-line activities. An external hard drive can hold sensitive documents, DVD images, disc images, large music files, movies and also a back up of the contents of the main internal hard drive safely and securely. When on line, external hard drive can even be left turned off. An external hard drive has another advantage – it is portable and operates on plug and play basis. The external hard drive can be used as a storage device for any computer with a USB or Fire Wire capability.Hard drives are available in two basic formats.

SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) and IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics). IDE drives use a 40-pin connection and are cheaper and SATA hard drives are faster and transfer data at six times the speed of IDE external hard drive.An external hard drive is basically composed of the Platters, the Spindles and Spindle Motor, the Read/Write Head and the Head Actuator.The Platters are the actual discs inside the external drive that store the magnetized data. Platters made of glass or ceramic are used because they are thinner and are more heat resistant. Generally, the external hard drives have at least two platters and the larger the storage capacity of the hard drive the more the platters. The Spindle Motor is built right into the Spindle and spins the Platter at a constant set rate ranging from 3600 to 7200 rpm. The Read/Write Head reads and writes the data to the Platter. There is necessarily one head per platter side and each head is attached to a single actuator shaft. Only one of the heads is active at a time reading or writing the data. All the heads are attached to a single head actuator, which moves the head around the Platters. The platters spindle, spindle motor, head actuator and the read or write head are all contained in a chamber called the Hard Disc Assembly (HDA)

How To Computer Power Supply of safe

A computer power supply is a component that supplies power to the computer and provide support to the computer to perform its functions. It is one of the most vital components to operate a computer. Without it a computer is just a junk box filled up with metal and plastic.The SMPS is the device that converts the alternate current that is provided to your home to the direct current that is needed by the personal computer. In a computer the SMPS is the metal box that we find in the corner of the case of the central processing unit. It can be seen at the back of many systems since it contains a cooling fan and the power cord receptacles. The switches that the computer power supply contains actually control the flow of the volt power of the power supply to the computer. Today you can turn off your personal computer with a small button or the turn off option from the menu bar. These capabilities have been added to all the latest computers that are manufactured today. The operating system can send a signal to the power supply so that it can be turned off. It also has a circuit that supplies 5 volts even when the PC is off so that the button will keep working.

It is not a big thing that cannot be replaced if in case it blows or turns down. They contribute a lot in turning the computer on and off. Trying to mess with it may cause you severe injury since it is an electrical component. There are many important measures that you should keep in mind to safeguard yourself from the blown unit. Always unplug the computer when not in use. By keeping it plugged in even if the computer is off, still there is electricity active between the PC and the wall. So, it is advised to keep it unplugged for your safety. The computers are upgraded after every two years, so in case you have to replace the computer power supply, you will find it difficult to an SMPS matching your old computer with the arrival of the latest technologies. The best way to replace it will be to contact the computer manufacturer. They will surely be able to find a solution to our problem. There are many online manufacturers where you will find the one that you are required. The local stores can also easily assist you with the basic requirements.Receiving enough server impact can also damage the computer power supply. That is why; investing in a power surge for the computer components can have you solve the problems quite easily. The other way through which you can safe guard your PC is that you should not leave the computer running for the whole day and avoid frequent switching the computer on and off. All the above initiatives will surely help you to run the computer power supply for much longer period.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Software Plays an Important role for Computer

While just about everyone uses a computer in some way, shape or form on a daily basis, there are relatively few people who understand how vitally important computer software is to the usefulness and functionality of even simple devices. From very basic items such as a digital watch, to handy innovations in cell phones, to the grand super computing behemoths that manage things such as space shuttle launches, none of these machines could function without the programming that gives them life. The accounting package might contain a bookkeeping program, an audit program, a data base management program, a tax preparation program, a time tracking and billing program or any number of other related programs. In many cases each of these kinds of accounting programs could stand alone, but they become much more powerful when they operate together as a complete package. These kinds of packages that contain various modules, or programs, have become very popular because the data is shared between the various programs. This reduces the need to re-enter data and eliminates tasks of exporting and importing information from one program to the other. This not only saves time but it also significantly reduces the possibility of errors, because even when data is not re-keyed there are numerous possibilities for data to become corrupt when going through exporting and importing functions.

Windows is the most commonly used personal computer operating system, with the Macintosh OS X operating system being the next most common system. Other operating systems include Linux and Unix, which are often used in more high-end computing situations. If you have computer work that needs to be done, then there are at least three components in play. The hardware is the first component which is actually what most people think of when talking about computers. The hardware includes the "box," the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse and any other physical components. The operating system software is the second of the three components. Which operating system that runs on your computer will have a great deal to do with which programs you are able to operate and also will make a difference in how easy or difficult it is to use the computer overall. While Windows computers are more prevalent, many people say that the Macintosh computers are more user friendly because of the operating system. The final of the three components of any computerized task is the specific software program that has been written to handle the required work. This relates back to the accounting program example which provided the specific functions related to the accounting tasks that needed to be done.

Free Registry Cleaner to Save Money

The time has come when computer owners are beginning to realize a good registry cleaner is a necessary part of their computer maintenance arsenal. We all already realize we must use a virus/spy ware cleaner often, and hopefully, we all realize we need some sort of backup system to keep copies of our important files. It is important to keep the registry clean because new operating systems, namely Windows XP and Windows Vista are so large their registries become easily corrupted. Since Windows Operating Systems are composed of registry files, a corrupted registry means the operating system is corrupted. This will make the computer's speed suffer tremendously. Even worse, it leads to computer errors and crashes.There are many good cleaners on the market. Most of the better ones are inexpensive, particularly when compared to the cost of losing important files from your hard drive. Among the top ones around today there are some that are said to be free. In this article, we will discuss these free programs, how effective they are and if they are really worth having even though they are supposed to be cost nothing. It's free, but you still have to pay With these free cleaners, you're allowed to scan your computer and find how many errors exist. Then, you're allowed to repair up to 50 incidents of corruption. In reality, 50 incidents of corruption is nothing. Many times, when the computer is scanned for the first time, hundreds of incidents of corruption are found.

Once the 50 incidents have been removed, the free program will present you with a pop-up that is just about impossible to get rid of. This pop-up acts as a sort of black mail to get you to pay $30 or so for the program and then, in return for your money, the pop-up will disappear. Before you're allowed to use the software to scan your computer, you'll have to send the company your e-mail address. With this information, the company will send you e-mails continuously in an attempt to get you to buy products from them. If you do buy from them, they will continue sending you e-mails anyway. I guess this is a fringe benefit of being a paid customer for something that is advertised as costing nothing. The best registry cleaner:The best way to find a registry cleaner that will serve you well at a reasonable price is to buy one on the recommendation of someone you can trust. This is always that the best way to buy any product, particularly electronic products.

How to speed of my computer

One of the most useful inventions in the world of technology for me is the computer. As a matter of fact, I can do anything and everything that I want with my own personal computer or simply PC. However, there are times when I do so many activities with my computer and I also save lots of things in it. This actually makes me really think on how my PC can accommodate all the pieces of information that I am storing in it. In addition, there are also times when I notice that my PC is getting slower in terms of operation as time passes by. I bet, I share the same dilemma to everybody who also has their own computers. Hence, I'm stuck right now with the question on how to speed up my PC in terms of operation and performance. In my search for the answers to my question concerning on how to speed up my PC, I've realized that there are so many things and factors which affect the performance as well as operation of the computers. Nevertheless, those things somehow never bothered me at all because I've found some effective ways on how to get rid with all those factors and speed up my PC instantly which I will share in this article so that all of us can surely boost the speed of computers without any hassles at all. Here are some of the ways on how to speed up the performance of computers:

1. Scan and Eliminate PC Viruses: Computer viruses are deemed to be the silent enemies of the computers. They have the capability to eat up the PC's memory which can then result to a slower performance of the computers. Thus, it is really important to scan and eliminate computer viruses as soon as possible. Eliminating PC viruses is easy by way of an effective antivirus program stored in a computer.

2. Clean Up the Windows Registry: The Windows Registry of computers is being used as storage for all the PC's program and system settings. There are times when unconsciously, the Registry becomes filled with so many insignificant data and files which result to the slow performance of a PC. Thus, it is important to clean up the Windows Registry every now and then by the use of a good Registry Cleaner program or software.

3. Do Away With Unused Programs and Files: Another way which I have discovered on how to speed up my PC is to do away with all the unused programs as well as files in the computer. Removing myriad of files in the Recycle Bin, temporary folders, and temporary Internet File folders which are not anymore important as well as needed is the simplest way on how to boost the speed of a PC.

4. Remove Spy ware and Ad ware: The spy ware and ad ware can really slow down the performance of a PC. Hence, it is deemed to be necessary to remove all the spy-ware and ad ware present in the computers. In doing so, a certain computer is guaranteed to do plenty of tasks easily and immediately.

Save money when buying a new Computer

Here are three simple ways anyone can save money when buying a new computer:

1) Shop around for best deal:Sounds pretty obvious. But many people don’t realize they don’t need the fastest, most expensive computer with the most “extras”. In fact, if you are already using an older computer, even the least expensive new computer will be a big upgrade. If you don’t know a lot about computers, you can learn a lot by shopping around. Ask lots of questions, compare prices, compare features, then find the best price. Shop at your local electronics store, and look for the best deals online. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save by shopping around.

2) Install your own extras:Many computers you will find in a store have a lot of extra software already installed. While this is convenient, it is not always the best way for you to save money. Also, while many of these extras sound good, you don’t always need them. You can often find better deals by shopping around separately for your own software extras (such as a word processor, anti-virus, pop up blocker, spy ware removal, games, etc). And some of these you can get for free. So before you buy the “fully loaded” computer, ask yourself if you really need all the extras, then shop around to see if you can buy a scaled down computer - and get the extras yourself for much less.

3) Don’t buy extended warranty: If you are not a computer “techie”, the extended warranties offered by the computer retailers often sound like a good idea. After all, who wants to be bothered paying for service on a computer after you buy it. But keep in mind that most computers come with a warranty, and most computer problems will either happen at the beginning (when you still have the warranty in effect) or much later (when it might be cheaper to buy a new computer). Technology changes very quickly these days.

What is different between Fibre Channel and iSCSI

Storage area network (SAN) to meet a customers needs, one of the most important choices is to determine the type of connectivity to use; Fibre Channel (FRC) or iSCSI. Each has advantages and disadvantages and each make sense in different solutions.Fibre Channel was by far the most popular way to connect SAN, both because it has been proven as a reliable, resilient and scalable method, and because iSCSI was relatively unknown in terms of performance, reliability and scalability.Fibre Channel protocol tends to be the best for bandwidth intensive applications. However many believe that most applications and storage architecture can not take advantage of all the bandwidth that Fibre Channel delivers today.

The cost of implementing a Fibre Channel SAN can cause companies look at iSCSI as an alternative solution. In some cases, the Fibre Channel SAN makes sense imply because the customer already has FC implemented within their environment and the "learning curve" is often very small.Over the past few years the iSCSI protocol has come into its own, proving to be a good alternative for connecting an organization servers to network storage, especially in smaller distributed environments like branch offices or remote locations. iSCSI translates into simpler storage management and consolidation at a reasonable cost.